A nursing home is meant to be a haven; a safe place for our loved ones. But, with the rising risk of viral infection and elder abuse in nursing homes, it’s becoming increasingly hard to trust that staff is treating your loved ones properly.
If you suspect that your elderly loved one is being treated poorly or not being properly safeguarded from dangerous viruses in his or her nursing home, your loved one may not be able to tell you. Elder abuse can be in the form of bullying by the staff, wrongful drug administration or dosage, or personal injury.
What a private investigator can provide
Our private investigators can help you make sure your loved ones aren’t being abused. At McDonald & Associates, our Seattle detectives will help with the following:
- Solid proof of abuse
- Background checks on caregivers and nurses
- Surveillance on other individuals to ensure they aren’t abusing your loved ones
With this information, you can contact law enforcement to assist with a criminal investigation or court action.
Take your evidence of elder abuse to the authorities
The right evidence can go a long way. When you present the right evidence to the authorities, they will be able to act in the interest of your loved ones. The evidence we provide can contain the names of those who are responsible for abuse along with photographic or video evidence.
If you have doubts about the treatment your loved ones are receiving, get in touch with our private investigators in Seattle today. They will work on your case until there is substantial evidence in favor of your claims or against them. In short, they will shine a light on the matter. Call (206) 309-8737 for more information on how we can help.
For additional information regarding our complete line of investigative services, please visit our website at www.mcdonaldservices.com or contact us via email at requests@mcdonaldservices.com.