Digital Forensics
Computer Forensics For Attorneys, Businesses, and Individuals
Digital Recovery For Evidence:
Computer forensics can be defined as the collection, preservation, analysis, and if needed, the court presentation of computer-related evidence. Why do we need computer forensics? Because a vast amount of information can be found in computers. Even if a file has been deleted we may be able to recover it. Our computer forensics specialists use state-of-the-art tools and procedures to confidentially recover, safeguard, analyze, and present data extracted from various computer storage devices. This enables us to identify individuals, motives, and their methods.
With the majority of the world’s business documents being drafted on computers and the use of e-mail, instant messaging and internet business by nearly everyone, much of today’s civil litigation evidence can be derived from computers. McDonalds & Associates computer forensic investigation team with the ability to locate and recover any and all relevant information or traces of same that may exist on a computer or storage device. This includes recovering items such as e-mails viewed but not “saved”, websites visited, deleted documents, uninstalled software, etc. The great news about this type of data is that unlike a piece of paper which only shows us what we can see, electronic data can have information about it’s creation, multiple versions of that information, who it was transmitted to, history of it’s use, etc. We are proud to say that if a piece of information exists on a computer or storage device, we will be able to locate it and produce it for inclusion in evidence.
Our computer forensic investigations are conducted in a forensically sound manner, thus preserving the integrity associated with that piece of electronic evidence. As Washington licensed private investigators, we are in a far better position to find evidence than IT firms because we already have the investigative knowledge, training, and mindset. We use court recognized software programs and tools to employ along with our vast experience in both the technological aspects as well as generally accepted investigation practices.
Data Recovery:
When a crime has been committed, this data can be vital in building a solid foundation for a case. Recovery is not simply a matter of retrieving lost data in any way possible. To be admissible in court, certain procedures must be followed and failing to take these steps risks contaminating the evidence and rendering it useless. Using our years of investigative knowledge and integrity-oriented approach, the Reveal team can serve clients far better than other IT firms.
McDonald & Associates Digital Forensics & Security utilizes state-of-the-art technologies and is able to recover data from a number of different media, including:
- Hard Drives
- Back-up Storage Media
- Databases
- E-mail Servers
- Web Servers
- Internet Sites
- PDAs
- Mobile Phones
- Digital Cameras
- Zip Drives
- Fax Machines
- Digital Answering Machines
- Forensic Computer Investigations conducted by licensed private detectives
- On site data capture allowing you to begin using the computer in question immediately
- Court recognized expert forensic investigators
- Experience testifying in court

I use McDonald & Associates to investigate fraudulent insurance claims. They do a very good job and have been around forever. If you want investigators with a proven track record and lots of experience, these are the guys.

Great company, great communication. I have nothing but good things to say. Thank you very much for your services!!!

Whenever I send a request to McDonald & Associates, I always get an immediate response and thank you for our business. Their investigations are thorough and their reports are well written and precise in the details. We have had other investigators who got “caught”, not so with McDonald & Associates. They are very cordial and pleasant to deal with and strive to do the best job we need them to do.
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